We love technology, freedom and independence!
Milujeme technologie, svobodu a nezávislost!
Průmyslová automatizace, průmyslový servis a realizace investičních akcí je to, co nás živí.
28 years
We have been providing services since 1996
We employ over 80 experienced professionals
We have covered more than 6,000 Implementation
This is what we do for living
85 %
Investment projects
We provide you with comprehensive implementation of turnkey investment projects. We specialise in industrial automation systems and technological process control. We participate in the modernisation of industrial production known as Industry 4.0, where we connect production automation and modern technology with digitisation and an online environment.
Design of electrical and I&C equipment
Inspection of electrical equipment
Production of distribution boards
Implementation of LV and I&C
Management of technological processes
Implementation of HV
15 %
Industrial service
We provide you with comprehensive industrial service and maintenance of the electrical installation of production technologies. We divide our service and maintenance work into two areas. The first is the maintenance of electrical equipment and instrumentation and control (I&C) systems. The second service focuses on emergency service and a 24/7 non-stop service line.
24/7 Service
Electrical and I&C maintenance
what will happen if you ask us
When we succeed, we like to brag
We have successfully implemented over 6,000 projects in the energy sector, chemical industry, water management and other industries.
bunch of business rockers
Who we are
"We work on a similar principle as a music band, we are such business rockers"

2. place
Czech leader 2022
3. place
Vodafone company of the year 2020
Responsible company of the year 2020
Our goal is primarily to build a stable professional team, develop products and at the same time optimise existing products. At the same time, we support the education of our employees as well as the younger generation who may one day join our ranks.